Cutting Chai, Mumbai.


Some call her Bombay. Some call her Mumbai. For me this is Home.

‘Coz Home is where the Heart is.

Thousands of souls come to this City everyday. Each one with a different past, a different dream. And each one has a different story to tell. And although there’s nothing that sets my story apart from that of an average Mumbaikar’s, I’ll still share it with you. Why? Because I am in love with this City and it’s little gifts of love.

I was born here, and thank God for that. A tiny little bundle of life, on a rainy day. The City had just witnessed the infamous 1993 riots. And the spirit of Mumbai had resurrected the pace of the City. Yes, this spirit is what we are known for. Apart from, of-course, the  Vada Pav.

To an outsider, this City seems like a big, bad world. With it’s tall buildings and it’s always-on-the-go lifestyle, Mumbai can be quite intimidating. But in reality, it’s the little joys, the big opportunities, and the diversity that makes you fall in love with the place.

Ok. I’ve digressed. But now here’s the story I’ve been meaning to tell. My love story with the goodness of MUMBAI.

It was 11pm. I was returning home from a friend’s place. I should’ve been worried. It was past the hustle-bustle hours and the road was deserted. But my courage took over that tiny voice, and I kept moving.

All the way I’d been alert, planning my moves to escape in case of an incident. And ta-da! No sooner had I lifted my head, I saw a hooded figure, in all his glory, threatening me with a knife. It was indeed a sharp knife, I couldn’t help noticing.

He plunged for my bag and tried to escape with it. But that stupid sense of courage kicked in again, and I held on to the strap of my bag. My grip was so tight, I could’ve easily won Gold in the Tug-of-War Olympics. But soon enough, the strap threatened to break loose. And there was still the knife to worry about. Obviously I was screaming for help, but in vain.

I was about to give up, when suddenly there was a flash of headlights. Believing that my Messiah was here, I heaved a sigh of relief. But at that exact moment, the stupid strap came undone, and the hooded figure escaped into darkness, with my precious bag tailing behind him.

Those headlights did belong to my Messiah, the Rickshawala (Auto driver, for those who are unaccustomed to the use of the term Rickshawala). After witnessing my plight, and expressing remorse for not having reached the spot earlier so as to help, he offered to drop me home, without asking for the fare. All that I could say to him that night, and all that I still wan’t to say is “Thank you”.

And since I’m recounting my encounters with the goodness of this City, how can I not tell you this story of mine, when I fainted in the local train. So here’s what happened.

I was travelling in a Virar-bound local train during the peak hours. I was travelling in a second-class compartment, and my fellow Mumbaikars will definitely be able to relate to my plight. The compartment was packed with people, so much so that some were hanging on the foot-board. It was the summer of 2012, and summers in Mumbai can get bitter when they want to. All the heat and insufficient air got to me, and I fainted, with my lack of grace quite evident.

But inspite of the train being crowded, and the ladies tired from a long day at work, they offered me a seat, some water, lots of candies and some even fanned me with their dupattas. One of the ladies accompanied me home, just in case I fainted again. To them, I want to say “Thank you”.

There have been countless such incidences, and I’ve got thousands of people to thank. But above all, I want to thank this city and its spirit, which makes every soul feel at home. No matter how many stories I recall, or how many words I use, none will be enough to show just how much I love this City.

So summing all my emotions into four simple words, here’s to the City with a beautiful heart,


Love. Laugh. Live.

If I Had A Time Machine



If I had a time machine,
I’d meet my younger self and say,
“Hey, its me. And I want you to know,
In the end its all gonna be okay”.

If I had a time machine,
All day I’d swing and slide.
Dress my doll for her tea party,
And go on long bicycle rides.

If I had a time machine,
I’d learn to sing and dance.
I’d run all the races  and win all the prizes,
When I’d thought I didn’t stand a chance.

If I had a time machine,
I’d sit on the couch, watching cartoons.
Tom, Jerry, Popeye, Dexter,
And Baby Looney Tunes.

If I had a time machine,
I’d stop fretting over those test scores.
And instead go on a searching spree,
For the keys to open some locked doors.

If I had a time machine,
I’d once again believe in fairies and magic wands.
And that someday I’ll meet my charming prince,
Who’ll make right all the wrongs.

If I had a time machine,
I’d gobble that pizza with extra cheese.
I’d wait for Santa to come riding his sleigh,
And meet Rudolf on Christmas Eve.

But when the clock would strike 1, I’d prepare to leave,
No regrets, I’ll live a better day.
But I’d whisper my parting words, and remind myself,
“In the end its all gonna be okay”.

The 3 Lettered Love


 People have become so accustomed to texting that they’re actually startled when the phone rings. It’s like we suddenly all have Batphones. If it rings, there must be danger.

Now we answer, “What happened? Is someone tied up in the old sawmill?”

“No, it’s Becky. I just called to say hi.”

“Well you scared me half to death. You can’t just pick up the phone and try to talk to me like that. Don’t the tips of your fingers work?”
― Ellen DeGeneres


We take pride in calling ourselves the Gen-Next. We text, tweet, facebook, e-mail, and almost everything we type looks smthng lyk dis.

You need to be a dedicated Text-er, a hardcore SMS Lingo Specialist, to decode the valuable information hidden in our texts.

We are pretty flexible too. Our “LOL” doesn’t always mean Laugh Out Loud. It could be a genuine Lots Of Love. As mentioned earlier, you must have all the credentials of a never-without-my-phone-er to actually be able to spot the difference.

And if you’ve succeeded in making sense of all the lack of vowels, well, CONGRATULATIONS! 

You blame technology for incapacitating our brain. But look at all the precious time we are saving by texting instead of calling. An average call would last up to 10 minutes (5, if the person on the other side is witless, or your boss, or both), but an SMS costs only a few seconds. And since we are big on multitasking, we text on the go.

And just as we share our lives via the SMS, we allow SMS to rule our lives.

We greet our family with a Gm, or on days when we are feeling generous, a Gud Mrng 🙂. We wish our friends a Hpy Bday! (We do use a vowel or two). And we express our love using the 3 golden letters- ily.

And that’s how we live the minimalist life. That’s how we love, in the minimalist way.

But no, Wait! Stop!

Ask yourself!

Does an “ily” sound as sincere as an “I love you”? What does it say about the sender? How much longer does it take to type the whole thing? Approximately 0.22 seconds. And if they couldn’t spend those precious few seconds expressing their love for you, do you really expect them to spend their oh-so-busy life loving you?

Now, no text message can be the litmus test for true love. But it sure can be a sign of their sincerity towards you and your relationship.

Ask your parents about how they met. The answer will be “Surely not on the internet!” People back then used to actually meet each other, or talk on the phone, unlike people today. Back then, you could see or hear the sincerity in the voice of your lover when they confessed their love for you. And you knew that they meant every word they said. But today you could be one on their send-to-multiple-contacts list. Would you like that?

You have nothing if you’re texting a guy in a relationship. We can text six women a minute. We can text it and push ‘reply all.’ I mean, since we’re lying, we might as well lie to everybody.

― Steve Harvey

So don’t be the next victim of the SMS-Lover. And don’t let the person you love be a victim of your laziness.

Call them. Tell them you love them in as many words as you possibly can. Let them hear it in your voice. It will be worth those extra seconds. And you never know, it may even last a lifetime.

Because no matter how convenient it may seem, LOVE should never be just a text away. Wouldn’t you agree?

Love. Laugh. Live.

TRUST- And What We Make Of It


“The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.” 
― Ernest Hemingway

We all have trusted the people in our lives.Trusted our elder siblings to protect us against the bullies at school. Trusted our friends with our super-secret secrets. Trusted our parents to make the right choices for us, when we were incapable of making them ourselves. Trusted lovers to not cheat on us. Trusted our spouses to fulfil the wedding vows. The list is endless.

I bet all of us have done this trusting part at least once in our lives . But not all of us can claim to have succeeded in it. Some of our most bitter experiences have come out of trusting people blindly. But where does it get you? Down the broken-and-bruised lane? Yes for some, no for some.

Let me take you down my memory lane…

I was your typical high school-er. One pinch pretty, one pinch smart, and a bowl-full of crazy hormones. I had this “huuugeee” crush on a guy in my class. Needless to say he was nothing short of Brad Pitt. I was in love, or so I thought. And guess what? He had a crush on me too. But this pretty picture wasn’t as pretty. I’d confessed about my undying love to my then bestie. But she did something horrible, and the next thing I heard was that she was going out with my Brad Pitt! And this was how I’d suffered from the broken-trust syndrome.

But life, as you know it, goes on. I dated a hotter and better Brad Pitt, a few years later.

However trust, when it succeeds, can do a lot of good things to you.

My apologies for boring you with yet another story from The Life and Times of t4toxic. Here goes.

Me and six of my friends were in an open Jeep safari at Jim Corbett National Park. Our Driver-cum-Guide was the stupidest person on Earth, to say the least. The sun was down, and it was pitch dark on our way out of the National Park. The seven of us were singing out loud and making merry, without the slightest idea that we were on the wrong route. However when this realization struck, we panicked. Imagine getting lost in a jungle, which boasts of tigers and other carnivores, in pitch darkness. And the fact that we were in an open Jeep didn’t help. To add to our woes the stupid-arse Driver parked the Jeep on a slope. As soon as he got off to ask for directions, the Jeep started down the slope. That was when one of my friends jumped off the back of the Jeep, got into the driver’s seat and tried pulling the hand brake, which refused to work. But we trusted her to save our lives and we told her that. In that darkness, we trusted her to step on the brake, instead of the accelerator. And the fact that I’m very much alive, and writing this post, is a proof of how our trust paid off.

So don’t let one bad experience stop you from trusting again. Trust people, some of them are worth it. But most importantly trust yourself and your God. Because

“Everything happens for you, not to you.”

Love. Laugh. Live.